PATCH /defaults

Each entity attribute represents a variable for phones and models templates.

Change an existing attribute

To change the value of an existing attribute, just set it to the new value.

PATCH /defaults
    "var2": "new var2 value"

Success response:

Status: 204 No Content

Empty response - the new defaults resource differs only by the var2 value.

Remove an existing attribute

To remove an existing default value for a attribute set it to null.

PATCH /defaults
    "var2": null

Success response:

Status: 200 OK
    "var1": "value1",

The new resource state is returned in the response payload.

Create a new attribute

To create a new attribute, just assign a attribute to it.

PATCH /defaults
    "var3": "new var here!"

Success response:

Status: 204 No Content

Empty response - the new defaults resource differs only by the presence of the var3 key and its value.

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