
When a phone is powered on it asks one or more files containing its configuration from an HTTP server. Tancredi generates the requested file dynamically, by interpolating a template file with the values of the phone configuration variables.

Custom templates

The template file is processed by Twig 1 and is stored under the data/templates directory with the .tmpl extension. The system administrator can override an existing template file by adding a file with the same name under the templates-custom directory.

The base path of the templates-custom directory is defined in the /etc/tancredi.conf configuration file, by the rw_dir parameter.

Template/Request binding: the patterns.d directory

When a phone requests a file, Tancredi establishes what template has to be interpolated to build the response by looking at the .ini files under the data/patterns.d directory.

Each .ini file in that directory defines one or more request matching rules. The rule definition has the following lines:

  1. The [rule identifier] section

  2. The pattern = line is a regexp matching the HTTP request file name. The rule is effective when the match occurs. As rules are evaluated in alphabetical order, the first match stops the rules evaluation.

  3. The scopeid = line is the identifier of the returned scope. Variable values depend also on values inherited from parent scopes (see below Variable value inheritance for details) and from “run-time” variables (see the sections below).

  4. The template = line is the name of a variable containing the template file name. This makes possible to set an alternative template for a specific phone or selecting the file format depending on the requested file extension.

  5. The content_type = line sets the HTTP response mime type and must reflect the template output format.

This is an example of .ini file inside patterns.d:

pattern = "(00)(15)(65)([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})\.cfg"
scopeid = "$1-$2-$3-$4-$5-$6"
template = "tmpl_phone"
content_type = "text/plain; charset=utf-8"

Variable value inheritance

Variables values are assigned inside a scope. A scope is stored in an .ini file under the scopes directory. A scope can have a parent scope from which variables are inherited.

A variable value is generally defined by the most specific scope rule. The value is assigned by looking to the parent scopes in the following order:

  1. defaults
  2. model
  3. phone

A variable value is inherited from the parent scope to the specific one and is overridden by child scopes. In other words, if the child scope does not define a variable the value from the parent is considered.

For example:

  1. the defaults scope has the following vars: {v0: a, v1: b, v2: c},
  2. the model scope with id “yealink” has: {v1: q, v3: p}
  3. the phone scope with id “00-00-00-00-00-00” has: {v2: x, v4: y}

When a template is expanded for the phone with MAC “00-00-00-00-00-00” the variables context is: {v0: a, v1: q, v2: x, v3: p, v4: y}.

External data sources for run-time variables

Sometimes it is useful to retrieve a variable value from an external data source. It is possible to plug in a filter that adds or modifies the variables passed to the Twig template context.

To add a runtime filter class (e.g. SampleFilter) add to the configuration file the following line:

runtime_filters = "SampleFilter"

The file src/Entity/SampleFilter.php provides an example filter implementation.

The SampleFilter PHP class is instantiated just before the template is rendered and its __invoke() function is called. The scope variables are passed as an array argument.

The __invoke() function implementation can add, remove or modify any variable by returning a completely new array, representing the modified variables scope.

Filter classes are able to access the Tancredi configuration. For instance, add the following line to /etc/tancredi.conf:

samplefilter_format = "d M Y H:i:s"

The SampleFilter class can access it with the $config array.

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