GET /models

Retrieve all models

Retrieve the complete (phone) models collection.

GET /tancredi/api/v1/models

(empty request body)


Status: 200 OK
    "name": "acme-19.2",
    "display_name": "Acme IP phone v19 rev. 2",
    "model_url": "/tancredi/api/v1/models/acme-19.2",
    "name": "acme-19.2",
    "display_name": "Acme IP phone v19 rev. 2",
    "model_url": "/tancredi/api/v1/models/acme-19.2",

Collection filtering

Filter by usage

Select the models that are referenced by phone instances (The phone attribute model is equal to the model name attribute).

GET /tancredi/api/v1/models?filter[used]

(empty request body)


Status: 200 OK

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