PATCH /phones/{mac}

Change variable values

Change the variables attribute value, and merge them with scope variables. Null variables are removed from scope.

PATCH /tancredi/api/v1/phones/01-23-45-67-89-AB
    "variables": {
        "var1": "value1/changed",
        "var2": "value2"

Success response:

Status: 200 OK
    "mac": "01-23-45-67-89-AB",
    "short_mac": "0123456789ab",
    "model": "acme-19.2",
    "display_name": "Acme",
    "tok1": "3cb63010-6e80-41ff-9437-c4b1413975db",
    "tok2": "88eebf1d-b860-498f-8bfa-4947e170873b",
    "model_url": "/tancredi/api/v1/models/acme-19.2",
    "provisioning_url1": "",
    "provisioning_url2": "",
    "variables": {
        "var1": "value1",
        "var2": "value2"

Change the model

Change the model value

PATCH /tancredi/api/v1/phones/01-23-45-67-89-AB
    "model": "acme-19.2-custom"

Success response:

Status: 200 OK
    "mac": "01-23-45-67-89-AB",
    "short_mac": "0123456789ab",
    "model": "acme-19.2-custom",
    "display_name": "Acme",
    "tok1": "3cb63010-6e80-41ff-9437-c4b1413975db",
    "tok2": "88eebf1d-b860-498f-8bfa-4947e170873b",
    "provisioning_url1": "",
    "provisioning_url2": "",
    "model_url": "/tancredi/api/v1/models/acme-19.2-custom",
    "variables": {
        "var1": "value1",
        "var2": "value2"

The model_url changes with model automatically, so the new resource state is returned in the response. Also provisioning_url1 and provisioning_url2 can be changed accordingly.

Read only attributes

Attributes mac, short_mac, tok1, tok2, provisioning_url1, provisioning_url2 are read-only. Attempt to change their values causes the whole request to fail.

PATCH /tancredi/api/v1/phones/01-23-45-67-89-AB
    "mac": "doesn't work",
    "short_mac": "doesn't work",
    "model_url": "doesn't work",
    "tok1": "doesn't work",
    "tok2": "doesn't work",
    "provisioning_url1": "doesn't work",
    "provisioning_url2": "doesn't work",

Failed response:

Status: 403 Forbidden
Content-Type: application/problem+json
Content-Language: en
    "type": "",
    "title": "Cannot change a read-only attribute"

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