Client installation

The client is composed by two parts:

Currently, installation is supported only on CentOS 7 and NethServer 7.

We are also working to support in on OpenWrt.


RPMs for CentOS are automatically built on each release.

Install on CentOS

Make sure your system has Internet access and it’s connected to a working access point, then:

  1. Download and install dedalo and coova-chilli RPMs from the above links

  2. Configure your Dedalo instance using instructions reported inside the README

  3. Make sure to enable Dedalo at boot:

    systemctl enable dedalo

Install on NethServer

The installation requires at least 3 ethernet interfaces:

  • 1 for normal LAN clients, marked with green role
  • 1 (or more) for Internet connection, marked with red role
  • 1 one for the Dedalo, marked with hotspot role

Proceed with the configuration of green and red interfaces, then:

  1. Install the nethserver-dedalo package

    Access a shell and execute:

    yum --enablerepo=nethserver-testing install nethserver-dedalo
  2. Access the Hotspot unit page inside the Server Manager (http://<SERVER_FQDN>:980)

  3. On the first wizard page, insert Sun host name and enter valid reseller credentials. Then follow the istructions on the screen.

Install on OpenWrt

Follow the instructions on Icaro OpenWrt Github project

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